Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Sveiki ! Vakar  vakare aplankiau  biblioteka netoli namu ejau su tikslu pasimti knygu apie namu dekoravima bet... uztrukau prie sveiko gyvenimo ir dietos knygu . Gryzau namo su O knygu apie namu dekoravima ir su 4 knygom is " skaityk knygas ir  mesk svori " skyriaus :D  gaila kad realybe ne tokia ir lengva ir neuztenka tik knygas skaityti kad svori numesciau . Nesu stora  nesioju 8 dydi bet norisi sveikai maitintis ir numesti bent jau 5 kg iki vasaros , tai yra dabar sveriu 57 kg o ugis 1.69 cm , todel svajoju sverti 52kg vasarai atejus :) . Pries 8 metus kai pirma atvaziavau i airija gyventi  buvau dar jauna ir nerupejo sveikas maistas norejau paragauti visus saldainius kokius tik parduoda parduotuveje o teveliai viska leido ir pirko tik koloringiausia skaniausia maista saldainius mmmm ... galas buvo toks kad sustorejau is mergaites kuri svere apie 45kg  pasidariau poniute kuri turi nemaza pagurkli ir sveria 55kg budama vos 11 metu ! Naktim sturmuodavau saldytuva darydavausi savo megstamiausus sumustinukus su balta duona daug majonezo ir mesytes mmmm :D . Bet baigusi pradine mokykla ir pradejus eiti i vidurine nusprendziau kad uzteks . Dauguma paneliu buvo grazios lieknos susitvarke o as burbuliukas  . Pradejau maziau valgyti is vis nebevalgyti vakare ir man pavyko numesti svorio buvau labai labai laiminga sveriau 48kg dievinau savo figura dabar kai esu 18 metu  manau mano svoris normalus pagal amziu bet pries vasara reikia atsikratyti keliu kg. Todel radau sias knygeles kurios patrauke mano demesi 1 knygos perskaiciau jau 50 puslapiu o turiu ja nuo vakar nezinau kaip jums bet as visada gaunu ikvepimo paskaiciusi sveiko gyvenimo knygas ir noriu gyventi sveikai ! . Megstu skaiciuoti kolorijas ir paskutines kelias savaites bandau nesuvalgyti 2000 koloriju kaip reikia moteriai bet stengiuosi itilpti i mazdaug 1400 kolorijas per diena :) Pavarciusi sias knygas uzsinorejau isigyti garu puoda nes yra tikrai skaniai atrodanciu patiekalu kuriuos galima isivirti garu puode :) stai pasidalinsiu su jumis knygas kurios as labai tikiuosi man suteiks stiprybes numesti 5 kg ! . Kokios jusu dietos ? Knygos kurios jums padejo numesti svori ? Ar esate naudoja garu puoda ?
Hi! last night i went up to my local library to borrow some books about house designing . But i got stuck in diet and healthy foot section , and ended up going home with 4 books about diet &health and 0 books about home decorating , ah well its only few months left till the summer so i better get back in shape even though i am size 8 i am still not happy with my body i weight 57kg  and my high is 1.69 cm thats pretty normal for girl my age but i still would like to loose at least 5 kg till the summer :) . 8 years ago when i first come to Ireland i was little girl who wanted to try out all the sweets in the shop and didint care about my looks my parents didint mind that i eat that much  so i was enjoy my food. After a while  i gained weight and from girl that use to weight around 45kg i turned into chubby girl that weighted 55kg and had little second chin going on . I use to go down stairs open my fridge at night and  make big sandwich with ham majoneze and white bread . After i finish 6th class and went into secondary school i decided thats it i need to loose some weight all the girls there were good looking and skinny , i stopped my night trips to the fridge and eated less. I lost alot of weight and weighted 48kg i was super happy with my figure and proud of myself . Now i am 18 and i think my hight and weight is normal for my age but still want to loose 5kg . I find these books to motivate me i only got them last nigh and read 50 pages of one of the books its great ! . I like counting my daily calories and  i dont try to fit in 2000 calories per day i try to eat less and get at least 1400 calories . After looking at these books i want to get bowl steamer to make healthy food with no oil in it so thats next on my list hope to get it soon . What is your diet ? What books about diets did you read ? Did you ever used bowl steamer ?

 About this book i was super excited there is millions of shakes that you can make it at home
there is even celebrity favourite  smoothies  this book is only new i was the first person to borrow it
yay ! :D

                                           This bad boy is on my wish list :)
                                                Have a lovely day !


  1. I'm working out like crazy ever day and trying to eat only salad and fruit. Good luck to you too. XOXO

  2. Good to hear that i am not the only one :) Thank you and i hope we both will have great body's for summer !! :))) xxx
