1. So the first product that i will talk about is coconut milk shampoo when i got it after few washes i kinda like it but then after few weeks of using this product my hair got super bad i coudint even brush it true it was horrible so bad this shampoo really wrecked my hair and i never will get this again they pretty pricey is well 10 euro for this bottle.
2.Second product is from clean &clear loads of people like there face scrubs and washes but i hate it i always brake out like crazy after using this i really i don't like gel or beads its really tick and messy i don't like it at all .
3. My third regret buy is umberto giannini backcomb in a bottle i talked about this product already saying how much i like it and to be fair for first few weeks this product really worked with my hair but then i dont know what happend it just didint do anything so i stopped using it and kinda regret it was almost 10 euro .
4. Now this gel cream smells amazing i got it because it smells soo yummy i used for a while but then notice that my skin didin't really like this gel cream i stopped using and then my skin got better i dont recomend this product for any one who has oily skin because even thought it says control shine i think it makes even shinier which is very bad.
5. Vichy norma derm i went into pharmacy one day all depressed and asked this lady for any cream that can help me with my spots because i had major brake out i was crying and all , so she tould me that she was using this cream and it really helped her to get rid of any spot .. great i thought and bought straight away i start using it with biggest hopes thinking i will wake up with clear skin , after few weeks spots were still there this is biggest regret ever 15ml cost almost 20 euro and it doesnt do ANYTHING!!!!!
Hope you like this post and maybe find it helpful this is just only my opinion maybe some of these products works wonders for you Let me know what you think and i will talk to you soon .
Love Diana xx
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